Peace! Sr. Alicia was recently asked to serve as a guest host on Winds of Change, a radio show sponsored by the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Chicago. On July 9 she hosted a show on the Eucharist and Evangelization, focusing on Night Fever, a powerful evangelization event that has been making a difference around the world. She was joined in the studio by Fr. Connor Danstrom of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Patricia Klein, a consecrated member of Regum Christia, and Megan Miller, co-coordinator of Night Fever Chicago. Patricia, originally from Germany where Night Fever began, shared on the history of the movement, which began shortly after Pope Emeritus Benedict visiting Germany for World Youth Day 2005. Our community has been involved with Night Fever since it was first hosted in Chicago on October 5, 2013. Sr. Kate regularly serves on the music ministry team playing her cello, and the rest of us help out on other teams (including evangelization, prayer and hospitality). Enjoy the show, and we’ll let you know when Sister will be hosting next!
**The next Night Fever Chicago is October 4, 2014 at Holy Name Cathedral! If you are in town, you don’t want to miss it--click here for details.