On Sunday, September 8, Jessica Lambert began the formation journey as a postulant in our community. Originally from Elmhurst, IL, Jessica graduated from the University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana with a degree in engineering in 2012. Her first experience with our community was while on a Service Immersion Trip in January 2011. She came to volunteer in the years that followed. Heeding the promptings of the Holy Spirit in her life, Jessica asked to begin theĀ process of admittance to our community in January, 2013.
We are very grateful to the Lord for Jessica’s vocation, and proud of her for responding to God’s grace. If the Lord is calling you to serve him as a priest, brother or sister, don’t be afraid! Many young men and women just like you are saying yes. If you are inspired by what you see and interested in life as a Franciscan of the Eucharist of Chicago, don’t hesitate to call or email us. Know of our prayers for you, and may God bless you abundantly!