Another Bank of America Chicago Marathon success! We are so grateful to our team of ~150 runners and over 2,000 individual donors who helped to fundraise $280K (and climbing!) to support the apostolic outreach of our community. Here is a highlight tour of this important (and inspiring!) annual fundraising effort.

First- recruitment! Sr. Stephanie works diligently the day following the marathon to start the recruitment effort for the following year’s marathon. Flyers, emails, setting up information tables at parish talks, posting in parish bulletins, posting it at a Newman Center near you… she is on it. The team has grown from ~12 runners on the first Team OLA in 2011 to ~150 runners in 2023.

Second – prayer recruitment! One of the unique benefits of running for Team OLA is having a personal prayer partner. The prayer partners are friends, family, Sisters from other communities, past runners… just good folks that want to support the team through their prayers. They agree to pray for their runner, and write them an encouraging letter that is distributed to them near race day.
And then… we arrive at marathon weekend! On Saturday evening, we host a Mass and pasta dinner for any Team OLA runners and supporters. This year, we had about 200 people in attendance, including 5 priests running for Team OLA this year!

At the dinner, We encourage EVERYONE to carbo-load – it is well attested to by our Franciscan experience that the cheer-ers also need energy for race day! Other traditions include the famous team picture, as well as the announcement of the fundraising total to-date. A new addition this year was a brief awards ceremony, allowing Sister Stephanie to highlight some of the momentous efforts of individuals to train, fundraise, and support the team.

And finally… Race Day! Sunday, October 8th was chilly and partly cloudy – ideal running weather (for most!). This year, our cheer station made it big – we were officially “on the map” of the Chicago Marathon. We covered the span of one block on the south side of the United Center just beyond mile 16. Even the runners who were struggling until then looked real fine! as their spirits were boosted by the cheering of many friends and supporters of Team OLA. For the Franciscans, it is always an honor when random runners see us and make the sign of the cross to acknowledge their faith, or want a special prayer or high five.

In addition to Franciscan taxiing services and overnight hospitality, we provide lunch, showers, and an afternoon Mass to any runners that would like.

In summary – marathon weekend is such a blessing! Speaking as a marathon spectator for many years – the great sacrifices that people make just so they have the opportunity to run really, really far speaks to our human esteem for excellence, our quest for meaning and for success – all things that, at their core, speak to a desire for the Infinite, ultimately for the One we know as God! So as Franciscans, we love to be a part of it – as runners and supporters – to be gentle reminders and signs pointing to the One who is truly Excellent, to our God who is Inspiration itself! Again – we are grateful for everyone who supported Team OLA – whether through prayer, or spending hours drizzling chocolate-covered pretzels, donating food or money, running or cheering – all the glory to God!

Also – we are already recruiting for the 2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon! Consider running, praying for runners, or helping us spread the word!