This January, we hit a community milestone and officially sponsored our first booth at a FOCUS SEEK Conference! This year’s conference was hosted in St. Louis and had nearly 20,000 attendees. Sr. Alicia, Sr. Jaime, Sr. Jess, and Sr. Laura represented our community and had the chance to encounter so many young people. They ran into old friends who had come on spring break or summer service trips to the Mission years ago and now were campus ministers, missionaries, priests, seminarians, priests, and religious! Our booth was situated right in the middle of a number of other religious communities, and it was also a joy to get to meet so many other religious men and women serving the Lord and the Church through their own charisms. We are very grateful for the chance to attend this conference and hope to see the fruit of our time there for years to come! Please say a prayer for all young people who attended the conference, especially those who are discerning their vocations!