In recent months, our community has started working in partnership with Bishop Bob’s vicariate team to start a brand new young adult group for our vicariate (region of the Archdiocese that Bishop Bob is entrusted with overseeing). Those of you familiar with Chicago may know that there are several very well known and long-standing young adult parishes on the north-side of the city, but our section of the Archdiocese, which includes many poor and under-resourced parishes, has traditionally had a much more difficult time offering youth and young adult ministry. Earlier this year, Bishop Bob and our community discerned an invitation from the Lord to try to help start something, and our community’s involvement with a new Vicariate-wide young adult group was born!
Our vision is to offer bi-weekly opportunities for young adults to gather in one of our local parishes for a meal, fellowship and conversation together, a talk from one of the Franciscans or others we bring in to assist with catechesis and formation, and a Eucharistic Holy Hour with beautiful contemplative music and the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Confession. We are still in the early stages of launching this ministry, but our first two gatherings have been a great success, drawing young adults from all over the corners of the region and quickly outgrowing our first gathering space in just one meeting! Please join us in keeping this new endeavor and all of these wonderful young adults in your prayers.