Service to the Poor
We find so much joy in our service to the poor. The many works that we carry out to take care of those who are poor include:
- Food Pantries
- Community Dinners and Lunches
- Senior Program
- Bible Camps
- Special Events
Why Serve the Poor?
“Whatever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for Me (Matt 25:4),” “…the poor have the Gospel preached to then (Matt 11:5).” These words of Jesus underlie why St. Francis of Assisi was motivated to serve the poor, and why over 800 years later we continue to follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis. Pope Francis is fond of saying how the Church must not only be for the poor, but must be poor. The very first friary (religious house) that St. Francis and the early Franciscans was adjacent to the leper community: they literally lived among the poor they served. We also choose to live among the poor we are called to serve. Our goal is not only to provide for their bodily needs, but also for their souls, so that they may know in their own lives the meaning of Jesus’ words, “I came that they might have life, and have it to the full (Jn 10:10).”
Food Pantries

Each Tuesday, we serve up to 700 families at our weekly food pantry. We are encouraged by the incredible partnerships we have with the Greater Chicago Food Depository as well as many other businesses in the food supply chain that enable us to distribute between 50-100 pounds of healthy food to the families that come to us each week. We are also edified by the many volunteers who come to assist us in this critical work.
On the first Saturday of every month, we host a mobile food pantry in the parking lot of Kelly Hall YMCA. 300-400 families come to this pantry. In addition to the food, we average distributing over 2,000 lbs. of clothing and much needed household items to the people in our neighborhood each month.

Senior Program

We are also able to care for the seniors in our neighborhood. These men and women have worked hard throughout their lives and now in their golden years can share friendship and faith with one another through our weekly Senior Program, which is now hosted in our beautiful new Outreach Center. Each Wednesday, we welcome our seniors in for exercise class, Bible Study, and a delicious home-cooked lunch. We also look forward to taking our seniors on several “field trips” throughout the year. Some favorites include visiting Mundelein Seminary, Navy Pier and the DuSable Art Museum. To learn more click here.
Kelly Hall
Our partnerships with the Greater Chicago Food Depository and the Metro Chicago YMCA enable us to facilitate Kelly Hall, a beautiful community center and YMCA that provides much needed after school, sports and other youth programing to help keep our kids and teens off the streets and assist them to succeed in school. To learn more click here.

Community Dinners and Lunches

From September to May, we host community dinners and lunches for our neighbors in the beautiful Our Lady of the Angels Church and Basement Hall. We begin with a simple prayer service and provide a healthy meal for the families and individuals who attend, working to foster a spirit of community and Gospel values among the men, women and children who come. Parishes and other organizations sponsor the meals and come in to help prepare, serve and clean up. To learn more click here.
Block Parties
From June to August, we host Block Parties. Food, games, an Evangelization Table and so much more make these wonderful summer gatherings. IN August, our block party includes a back to school backpack give way, helping over 400 kids be ready for a successful school year.

Bible Camps

Each summer we host 2-3 weeks of Bible Camps for the children in our neighborhood. The day includes breakfast and lunch, games and music as well as very important opportunities to learn more about Jesus, especially through the Gospels.
Special Events
Throughout the year we hold special events including a Thanksgiving Prayer Brunch and Christmas Party. In 2022, we provided Thanksgiving dinner to over 1,500 families and over 10,000 gifts to needy children and their families. To learn more click here.

We look forward to all the ways the Lord will continue to grow our service to the poor. It is our honor to live in this neighborhood and experience the tragedies and joys which our neighbors know each day. We strive to provide a sense of hope for the future, through the grace and mercy of God, which is the source and strength of all we do.