For the past four years, Sr. Jaime, Sr. Laura, and Br. Matt have been assisting with an Archdiocesan apostolate sponsored by the Vocations Office called Samuel Group.

Samuel Group is an 8-month program designed to support young adults in growing in their life of prayer and learning to hear the voice of God in both the small decisions of their daily lives and in the bigger question of discerning their vocation. Over the 8 months, participants are supported in building a regular life of prayer by monthly spiritual direction or Catholic mentoring and monthly Samuel Group meetings that explore various themes to consider in making a good discernment.

Over the years, the Franciscans involved have served as spiritual directors, mentors, small group leaders, and have worked behind the scenes to help make decisions about content and the structure of the meetings. They have also all traditionally given talks at at least one (sometimes more than one) of the monthly meetings. This year, Br. Matt will be speaking in November about the importance of breaking free from attachments and growing in personal knowledge as we move forward in discernment. Sr. Laura will speak in December about entering into our personal histories and life stories and how we can bring the brokenness and wounds that we may find there into our relationship with Jesus in order to find healing and deeper integration. Finally, in May, Sr. Jaime will offer the talks in the final session about how we can go forward and move from discernment to decision.

This year we are also excited to share that our postulants are participating in the Samuel Group meetings as well. So far, this has been a wonderful opportunity for them to grow in their understanding of prayer and the principles of discernment as they continue to discern the Lord’s call in their lives through this time of postulancy. We have also already seen how their witness as young adults who have stepped forward in following the Lord’s call and actually entering a religious community has been a source of encouragement and inspiration to the other participants as well.

It has been a great joy for our community to participate in the Samuel Group apostolate over the past several years and a privilege to get to witness so many young adults growing in their confidence in hearing the Lord’s voice in prayer and openness to what He is asking of them in their lives. Please join us in holding all of this year’s participants in prayer as they begin the journey!