Peace! From December 26, 2013 to January 3, 2014, Fr. Bob, Sr. Kate, Sr. Alicia and Sr. Stephanie went on pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome. Joining us were Sr. Kate’s parents, Tim and Jane, our friends Carole, Sr. Joanne and Fr. Diego (a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago studying in Rome). With Fr. Diego’s help, we were able to schedule Mass at many special places, including the Tomb of St. Francis, San Damiano (where St. Francis heard Jesus say to him from the Cross, “Francis, rebuild my Church, for as you see it is falling into ruin.”) and the Potriuncula Chapel, where St. Francis founded our order. It was such a blessing to have Mass and pray at these holy places! We also participated in a beautiful Marian procession at St. Mary of the Angel’s Basilica. We were able to visit Rivo Torto (the first place St. Francis and the early friars lived) as well as the Carceri (where St. Francis would retreat to pray). On our way to Rome, we stopped at Greccio, where St. Francis organized the first live nativity!
In Rome, we were blessed to celebrate Vespers with Pope Francis on New Year’s Eve at St. Peter’s Basilica, as well as Mass on New Year’s Day, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. We visited the other major basilicas (St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran and St. Paul’s Outside the Walls), climbed the Holy Steps on our knees (the only way you can!), prayed before the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul . . . and saw fire works over the Colosseum to welcome in the new year!

Please enjoy this video with picture highlights from Assisi and Greccio. Thanks to Carole and Tim for sharing their fantastic pictures with us! We’ll have a video up next week with highlights from Rome. We are so grateful to our benefactor who invited us on this pilgrimage and covered all the expenses. We hope that our pilgrimage bears fruit for years to come. God bless you!