Evangelization means sharing the Good News of what Jesus has done for us, so that we can help others get to Heaven. It is as simple as that. Our apostolate of evangelization includes:
- Parish Missions and Talks
- Nights of Mercy
- Retreat Work
- Hosting Service Groups
- Sharing the Good News through all of our works with the poor and teaching
We have a particular emphasis on Eucharistic-centered retreats, talks and preaching. We also strive to present the treasures of our Faith, including teachings on prayer, the Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and other Sacraments. St. John Paul II often said that we don’t need new teachings, we need reminders. Today more than ever, we need to remind God’s people of His love and mercy and the treasures that await them in the Catholic Church.
Parish Missions and Talks

Every year, especially during Lent, Bishop Bob and the Franciscans have the opportunity to share the treasures of our Catholic Faith through parish missions. These evenings include a talk, Eucharist Adoration or Mass and an opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Throughout the year the Franciscans are also regularly invited to give talks at parishes, youth groups, young adult groups, schools, and other organizations to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Nights of Mercy
During a Night of Mercy, our community partners with local parishes to open their church for a special night of Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Confession, and street evangelization. We provide a prayerful atmosphere with quiet, contemplative music, dim lighting, and candles offered before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The street evangelization team works to walk through the neighborhood to invite passersby into the church for a quiet moment of prayer or to light a candle for a special intention. It has been a great joy for our community to see the Nights of Mercy grow and become more popular over the years.


We have been involved with retreat work in various capacities since the very beginning of our community. Our retreat work currently primarily involves hosting parishes, young adult groups, college students, and other organizations for overnight retreats in our beautiful new 57 bedroom retreat space. Our desire for the retreat center is to offer a space, especially for our poorer parishes and Catholic institutions, to come for a time of rest, encouragement, catechesis, and a true encounter with Our Lord, especially through the Eucharist. Franciscans assist with behind-the-scenes work as well as giving talks or helping to lead the groups in prayer when requested.

Franciscans frequently go out to help give talks or provide retreats at external locations upon request. We have also recently expanded our retreat work to offering large-scale Confirmation retreats for schools and parishes throughout the Archdiocese. At these Confirmation retreats, Franciscans assists with the planning, logistics, coordinating the retreat team, giving talks, leading the attendees in prayer, helping to foster an atmosphere where all present can be led into a deeper love for Jesus and His Church.
Service Groups
We frequently host service immersion trips for college students and other mission trips for youth and adult groups throughout the year. This gives us an opportunity to share our work of serving the poor and evangelization with those who come to assist us, and provides our volunteers with opportunities to deepen their own relationships with the Lord. These week-long service trips traditionally always include time for members of the community to meet with the participants for talks, Q&A sessions, or vocation stories.

We are also blessed to have dozens of people come each week to assist us in our regular works with the poor. Currently, we have regular volunteer work periods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings. We also frequently host large corporate or school groups for yearly service days. Working alongside volunteers gives us the chance to talk to them about the Faith and help them grow closer to Jesus. We have witnessed several beautiful conversions and many instances of volunteers reconnecting with the Church and Sacraments as a result of their time spent loving and serving Jesus in the poor alongside us.

Evangelizing in our Work with the Poor

Whether we are hosting a block party or a community dinner, all of our works with the poor include prayer, especially rooted in the Gospels. St. Francis teaches us that the Lord will work most powerfully through us when we strive to live a simple, humble, authentic Christian witness. Only then will our words ever mean anything. The first way we evangelize is by example, and from there, we are able to carry out the other works entrusted to us through God’s grace.