Reflection by Sr. Alicia Torres I love dogs. Not like I love my family, or like I love Jesus, but I really do have a strong affection for dogs. A few months ago, I came home from teaching and was welcomed by an unfamiliar, and rather unpleasant, smell in the convent. Entering our large dining…
Category: FE Reflections
Reflections on Teaching
By Sr. Stephanie Baliga Teaching at St. Sylvester School in Logan Square has been one of the most formative experiences of my religious life! I’ve been teaching at St. Sylvester’s since 2017. Our teaching apostolate focuses on going into under-resourced Catholic schools to provide direct religion instruction and whole school faith formation support – all…
“The Eucharist Invites us to Slow Down and be Loved” – Sr. Alicia on Ave Explores Podcast
Sr. Alicia was recently interviewed about her experience seeing and loving Jesus in the Eucharist and seeing and loving Him in the poor by Katie Prejean McGrady on the Ave Explores podcast from Ave Maria Press. Check out the clip below! You can find the full episode here or wherever you like to listen to…
Service Immersion Trips – the Better Spring Break Alternative
Reflection by Sr. Jess Lambert This spring, it was a great delight to host four different college groups for service immersion trips – Ferris State University, Notre Dame University, Iowa State University, and Northern State University in South Dakota. We refer to them as “the college groups” or simply “the kids” – NOT because we’re…
FE Reflection: Spiritual Exercises in the Classroom
Reflection by Sr. Alicia Torres “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt 19:14) A little known fact about the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola is that he spent the final years of his life among children–teaching them about the…
Congratulations Sr. Alicia!
Sr. Alicia was named one of Our Sunday Visitor’s top Catholics of the year for her work with the USCCB’s National Eucharistic Revival! Check out OSV’s article here! You can also read one of Sr. Alicia’s recent articles helping us to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful reflection on the connection between seeing…
Sr. Jess’ Vocation Story
Walking with the Lord
“We love because He first loved us.” ~ 1 John 4:19 God is a good God, a God who is Love, and He is constantly pursuing each one of us. How do we hear His voice? How do we experience His Love? How do we relate to God? How do we respond to His Love?…