Peace! On Wednesday morning we began our two-day Bible Camp (to be followed by two more days in July) for the kids in our neighborhood . . . and it went so well!
We began with a lively improv of the Creation story, complete with swimming fish, dancing trees and the serpent being crushed by the woman (which one little girl said was her favorite part of the skit!!). Another skit opened our eyes to the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Issac, and the kids were really aware of Abraham as our father in faith.
On Thursday, we went into the New Testament, with the Annunciation and Nativity stories (with some very fantastic renditions of Gabriel, Mary and Joseph). In the afternoon the kids wanted to see the Church. Even though none of the kids who came were Catholic, while we were in the Church something very beautiful happened.

We took the kids around, pointing out the Altar, Crucifix and Stations of the Cross, explaining how these relate to the Last Supper and Passion accounts in Scripture. One of the little girls had asked if we were going to pray, and I said of course! After we sang some songs to Jesus she asked if we could kneel and pray. All the kids and volunteers knelt in the front pews.
We made the Sign of the Cross, facing the Altar, and prayed for an end to violence, for food for everyone, for a safe summer, and for God’s blessing, and then all joined in with the Our Father. Then Sr. Kate and I began to sing the simple praise song “Father, I adore You . . . ” we sang it through, and the kids began to join in, singing two rounds prayerfully. As we sang I looked up and saw that many of the children were gazing with attention at the Crucifix. You could literally feel God’s presence as we were singing and praying. After the song, the kids were very quiet as we ended with the Sign of the Cross.

Right before they headed home, I asked what their favorite part was, and they said praying and singing in the Church! How beautiful!!
St. Maximilian, a great Franciscan saint, was known to say, “Love alone creates.” It was clear how God’s love was present during the Bible camp, and how His love created something beautiful in these little hearts. How powerful Christ’s presence is in the Eucharist! These little children are so precious to Jesus, and we are privileged to share His love with them. Thank you for your prayers and support for us and our little friends!