Peace! We are in the midst of our second Bible Camp. With a little help from our friends from St. Stephen’s Parish in Minnesota, we’ve been spending the week learning, singing, praying, playing games, making crafts and eating healthy meals. Our teens and adult chaperones from St. Stephen’s (including newly ordained Fr. Joah) have done a fantastic job helping us bring stories from the Bible to life by acting out skits to help our kids learn about the Ten Commandments. We still have one more day to go!
The highlight of today was our procession. We taught the kids about Our Lady of Guadalupe, and how she teaches us to follow Jesus and to honor the Lord. We made a big poster of this image of Mary, and the kids lined up to process into the Church singing “I love You Lord.” They were incredibly quite as we genuflected and then sang a few quiet songs to the Lord, including “This Little Light of Mine.” We ended our time of prayer in the Church with our favorite song and dance, “We want to see Jesus lifted high.” We were so proud of how well behaved the kids were, and really how prayerful they were. They really understand that the Church is the House of the Lord, and He dwells there in a special way. It is a joy to bring these children to pray, and to experience the power of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
We’ll post more pictures in the coming days . . . in the mean time, keep us all in your prayers, and enjoy these pictures . . . God bless you!