Peace! The Chicago Marathon (Oct. 7) was absolutely fantastic! Not only did our team raise over $20,000 to support the works of the Mission, but our runners were real champions!
We had about 34 people run, including seminarians, Fr. Steve, Dcn. Scott, Sr. Stephanie and many friends of the Mission from around Illinois and as far as Texas and Minnesota!
A wonderful support team also helped us with our Pre-Race Mass, and serve our big pasta dinner as well as cheer on ALL the runners at Mile 14/Charity Block Party. Our “fan squad” was so amazing, the Tribune included us in a video. To see it, click here! We are toward the middle of the video.
What was so amazing was the sheer joy on so many runner’s faces as they saw our “fan squad”, including Sr. Alicia, Sr. Kate and Fr. Bob–many people asked Father for blessings! It was really a very neat expression of the New Evangelization–just simply being out there on the course, wearing the Franciscan Habit made a huge impact, and our “fan squad” was definitely radiating love and joy for all the runners! And of course, we were praying for the runners too–we chalked a giant “GOD BLESS YOU” on the road in front of our cheer section!
Our runners, “Team OLA” also had yellow shirts with an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and on the back St. Paul’s awesome quote “. . . run so as to win . . .” Fr. Steve even met a woman who grew up at Our Lady of the Angels Parish who was running–more on that story soon!
Thank you for all your prayers and support–we’ll get some pictures up soon. In the meantime, there is one picture of us in the Tribune photo gallery. If you scroll to the middle of the page, you can see Sr. Alicia and Courtney cheering everyone on. God bless you, and pray for St. Alicia and Sr. Kate–they profess First Vows this weekend!!
**Not all our runners are pictured above.