Peace!! Summer is gearing up here on the West Side, and we are excited to share our faith and joy with our neighbors and those who will visit us these next few months.
This week we are hosting a Bible Camp for the kids in our neighborhood. We hope, in the Spirit of St. Francis, to make the Bible stories come alive for our little friends, and that through prayer, games, music and fun they come closer to Jesus and the saints.
Our weekly Senior Program is also in summer mode, with outings beginning this week: an outdoor Bible Study and cookout at Ms. Joyce’s Park a few blocks away. Youth from Catholic Heart Work Camp were out in our neighborhood a few weeks ago helping our neighbors with projects around their homes, including Ms. Joyce’s park. We are all excited to spend some time enjoying the beauty of the Lord’s Creation together.
On June 30th we’re hosting a block party, and hoping the horse makes it up from Indiana . . . and of course we continue with our food distributions and young adult Holy Hours afterwards.
If you’re curious about our community, come and visit. In the meantime, please keep us and our neighbors in your prayers, you are in ours. May God bless you and may Our Lady intercede for you, always drawing you closer to Her Divine Son, truly present in the Eucharist!