This Thanksgiving we were blessed to distribute a record 1500 turkeys and all the trimmings needed for Westside families in need to prepare a beautiful Thanksgiving meal!
The Saturday before Thanksgiving, we hosted our annual Thanksgiving Prayer Brunch, gathering with about 250 neighbors and 100+ volunteers for a beautiful prayer service in the church, followed by a delicious brunch. After this, the families in attendance received their turkey and all the side dishes needed to prepare a delicious Thanksgiving meal for their families on Thursday.
Immediately after the Prayer Brunch, we moved into our general drive-through Thanksgiving give-away. Over 600 families from all over the westside came to us to receive turkeys and a box of Thanksgiving sides.
That Tuesday, we also hosted our “Thanksgiving Pantry” (it’s just the normal Tuesday pantry, but it’s the week of Thanksgiving, so we usually see extremely high numbers that day, and there are many families who come to us that day that were not able to come on Saturday for their turkey.) Well over 400 turkeys and full grocery carts of food were distributed that day. All together, including a few additional organizations we traditionally provide turkeys for, we distributed over 1500 turkeys this year!!
Thanks to all the many volunteers and benefactors who helped to make our annual Thanksgiving Prayer Brunch, Saturday distribution, and Tuesday food pantry such an incredible success!
Please enjoy the gallery below to see some of the highlights from this year’s Thanksgiving events: