Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago
About our community

The Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago are a Catholic religious community living and serving among the poor in Chicago’s West Humboldt Park neighborhood with branches for men and women. Our life centers upon our relationship with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Out of our life of prayer flow our community life and our apostolates: service to the poor, Evangelization and teaching. In our apostolates we emphasize providing opportunities for encounters with Jesus in the Eucharist both at Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration. We believe that if you can’t see Jesus in the Eucharist, you can’t see Him in the poor.
Latest news
2025 has started out with some twists and turns!

1) Our normal food pantry food supply has been significantly lower than normal.
2) The Greater Chicago Food Depository is no longer funding our first Saturday pantry. We will now be purchasing the food ourselves.
3) The diaper program funding is essentially all gone. We are now also purchasing all of our own diapers (estimated 45,000 diapers a month).
What we need!
–Size 5 diapers as seen on the Amazon wish list. Our wholesale diaper company has been out of stock of size 5 diapers for months.
Longer term:
Please consider donating to help cover the food costs of the first Saturday pantries and the produce we will soon be purchasing for the Tuesday pantry.
Please consider doing a food drive with your school, company, parish, or family. Email Sr. Stephanie at to coordinate!
St. Hyacinth Convent Update
The renovation of the St. Hyacinth convent as the Franciscan’s new formation house is moving forward! Thank you all so much for all of your inquiries and offers for help after the initial announcement. Check back here for highlights as this exciting new project continues to move forward.

We are working on getting all the necessary approvals and inspections to go forward with the project. Many more updates will be shared soon! If you have not already done so, click here to read Bishop Bob’s original announcement about the building project.
Please email Sr. Stephanie at if you are interested in getting involved or helping with the project.
Stay up to date!
Check out our blog to stay up-to-date on community news and to get a closer look at our day-to-day life as Franciscans of the Eucharist.

Stay in touch!

Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago 3808 W. Iowa Street, Chicago, Illinois 60651 773-486-8431
Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, that He who gave Himself totally for you may receive you totally.
St. Francis of Assisi